As we age, our skin becomes more dry. Estrogen keeps our skin and tissues more supple and when that declines, the skin can become more delicate and fragile.
We can help this both internally and externally.
I mentioned in my episode about hydration that water helps to keep you skin plump, which can reduce wrinkles. It also helps to flush out toxins and staying hydrated can make a big difference in the appearance of your skin.
Because we become less sensitive to thirst as we age, it can be good to have a way to keep track of your water intake such as a simple notebook or a large bottle in the amount you want to drink throughout the day.
I like to have a fancy pitcher and glass on my desk as a reminder and make that a meditative experience. Here is a link to a short Instagram video I did on that topic.
And a good rule of thumb is to measure your bodyweight in pounds and drink half that number in ounces every day.
The quality of water is also important and if your tap water is highly chlorinated, I recommend having a water filter both for your drinking water and for your shower.

Dietary fat is wonderful for keeping your skin supple and maintaining cell integrity. that includes avocados, nuts and seeds, especially hemp, flax seed, chia seed for the omega 3s.
It’s also important to be eating a lot of colorful foods for all your vitamins and minerals - so things like sweet potatoes, carrots, and red peppers are high in vitamin A which is essential for skin health. You also want to make sure to get enough plant protein to maintain your skin.
Vitamin C is also necessary for collagen production and reducing oxidative damage – I personally supplement vitamin C. You can buy creams containing collagen but I don’t recommend them because 1. They are not vegan, and 2. collagen is not absorbed through the skin.
I don’t put any products on my skin that I wouldn’t want in my body – because some amounts of the products do end up in your bloodstream! I don’t like unpronounceable ingredients in my food or on my skin. I’ve always been very picky about this as I have sensitive skin but also many artificial fragrances will immediately give me a sore throat. And fake fragrances just don’t smell good to me either.
I have never worn makeup other than a handful of times including my wedding. I do like to use some lip color because I’m quite fair and I can look a bit washed out. But that’s it.
I don’t use sunscreen because of the toxic load on my skin. I used waterproof sunblock once and it took my skin weeks to recover from the acne afterwards. I also want to engage with the sun for vitamin D production and don’t want to block that out. I found out that plant oils like jojoba, coconut, and seabuckthorn can also be applied to your skin to protect it from the sun, I’ve never gone back to using sunscreen. The term SPF is used for synthetic sunscreen but plant oils offer nourishment and regenerate your skin while also providing you extra protection from the sun. I will say if you are closer to the equator, you would probably need to apply the plant oils a lot more frequently than with synthetic sunscreens, but this is something you could experiment with in the spring when the sun rays are not as strong, especially if you are living in Canada. Also coconut oil is too rich for my face but I will use it on my arms and legs.
The skin products I do put on my skin are handmade, and made from plants. They smell of real jasmine and roses, which are my favorite fragrances and brighten my day every time I apply them.
When I moved to North Vancouver around 2001, I found a little shop down the street from me that had aromatherapy products, everything was hand made and they had stuff like herbal teabags for your bath. This was the first time I had ever experienced aromatherapy and I was so in love with the smell of that store! Anyway I started using their products in my 20s and still use them to this day. I’m very happy with how they work with my skin. I have extremely sensitive skin and a tendency to rosacea, especially in the winter.
So as soon as I get out of the shower I use with the rose water spray, which is an amazing smelling spray which helps balance the skin’s pH, helps moisturize and strengthens your cells. It also contains vitamins A and C which helps repair sun damage. And as I mentioned earlier, these vitamins are both so helpful for the skin, so it’s great to get them both through your food as well as externally in your natural products. And this particular rose water is the best I have ever used – I think that is because it also has colloidal silver which really helps bring down inflammation.
Then I use an Aroma Glow Face Complex for Dry / Sensitive / Ageless Skin. It is a jojoba based oil and has rose and jasmine and smells so divine. It also has rosehip seed oil, sea buckthorn, and evening primrose, and I feel like this is actually like food for my skin when I apply it. So this also is my sun block, so to speak. And I only use 4 little drops because my skin is already damp from the rose spray, so it spreads around easily.
And then after letting this complex sink in and feed my cells, there is a rose geranium moisturizer that I apply last, which gives more of a matte appearance.
The store is now completely online: Natural Beauty Skin Care.
If you use this link, I will receive a small percentage which helps support the podcast.
Products mentioned: Rosewater Face Mist
Whether you want to try the products from this store or another aromatherapy store, I highly, highly recommend using natural, organic, handmade, plant-based products. I feel that they are amazing for a skin, a luxurious treat, and they are also not tested on animals. I hope these skin tips are beneficial to you!
DISCLAIMER: This information on this website is general in nature and for informational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.